
How Do I Uninstall WordRake?

Uninstall from Microsoft Windows

If you would like to remove WordRake completely from your PC, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall. (In Windows 11, you may need to type "Control Panel" into the Search window to locate it.)
  2. Scroll to the end of the list of installed programs and select the appropriate WordRake product. If you have both WordRake for Word and WordRake for Outlook, you'll need to select the version you would like to uninstall.
  3. Click the checkbox to the left of the WordRake program you would like to uninstall to select it and then click the Uninstall link.

All of the components of the program should now be removed from your system.


Uninstall from Mac

If you would like to remove WordRake completely from your Mac, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the WordRake tab in Word.
  2. Click on Help > Uninstall WordRake.
  3. The window that pops up will say "Double-click to Uninstall WordRake".
  4. When you double-click the file, you'll be prompted to shut down Word—save your documents and ensure Word is completely shut down.
  5. Finish the uninstall process.

All of the components of the program should now be removed from your system.


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