
What’s the Difference between Brevity Mode and Simplicity Mode?

WordRake offers two editing modes, Brevity and Simplicity. You can select one or both by clicking on the checkboxes next to the mode names in the Analyze section of the WordRake ribbon:

WR v5 Ribbon WIN Word 365_Brev or Simp.png

Brevity is the original WordRake editing mode, designed to make your writing clearer and more concise. Simplicity mode offers suggestions that follow plain language guidelines, simplifying word choices and providing more direct alternatives for colloquialisms and jargon. When both modes are selected, WordRake prioritizes Brevity suggestions over Simplicity ones.

If plain language is more important to you, we recommend Raking twice. First, Rake with only Simplicity mode active. This will change complex words into familiar ones, which may lead to longer sentences made up of simpler words. Accept or reject the editing suggestions, then Rake again with only Brevity mode active. Brevity mode will tighten, tone, and clarify sentences.

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